
A Place to Call My Own

Tulip bulbs are typically planted in autumn.  Throughout the cold winter months, those bulbs work quietly and subterranially to plant deep, lasting roots - roots which will sustain it for years to come, to hold it in place and, no matter how the seasons change, allow it to resurface every year, bold and beautiful.

It seems that a dream in the form of a resilient bulb has been planted in Auntie M's head which has been taking root over the past 10 years.  Now it is spring and that bulb is starting to show signs of life, of breaking through the soil and showing itself to the light of day.

Have you ever had a dream?  One that, no matter the circumstances or doubts or uncertainties keeps nagging at you, willing you to give it attention? to give it form and voice?  That is what is happening here, and it has taken up a tenacious hold on me!!

There is still much to gain, much to learn, much to sort through and work out - it may be the work of another 10 years, who knows?  But one thing I do know for sure: after years of wandering through the fields of life, acting on whims and whispers, I have something to work towards, a specific goal to achieve, and am excited to see it come into being!

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